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Combination Loader/Laparoscopic Cradle
Combination Loader/Laparoscopic Cradle

Designed to accommodate full-size sheep or goats, the Combination Loader/Laparoscopic Cradle eliminates the need to catch and drag the animal for processing tasks (e.g., AI, hoof trimming, medicating, tagging). The animal enters the loader via a chute, and the loader then rotates the animal onto its back for placement onto the cradle. The cradle can be wheeled around with the animal safely restrained with leg hooks and compressed air, can be elevated, rotated (even inverted), tilted, and its sides dropped down as needed to provide a flatter working surface and to release the animal when done.

Estimated Cost Cost range: See below

Limitations Limitations Addressed by Product: Lower extremity, Upper extremity, Strength/endurance, Back

SourcePeak Hill Industries Pty Ltd.
176 Caswell Street
Peak Hill, New South Wales, 2869
Phone+61 2 6869 1700
Est. Cost$9,000
Last updated: Oct 19, 2020

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