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AccuBreedTM Cloud Estrus Detection System
Graphic green on bottom & blue on top to indicate ground-sky wtih cut-away of shed on right with computer and receiver on table sending & receiving from remote antenna which in turn receives signal from transmitter on cow being mounted.

The AccuBreedTM Cloud Estrus Detection System notifies the beef or dairy producer (via any internet-based device) when a cow is in standing heat and ready to be bred, by recording the date/ time/duration of all mounts-all from a rechargeable radio frequency transmitter affixed to the tailhead. The system's components include transmitters (capture and send data when activated by mounting activity), base station buffers (farm-installed antennas that capture and relay transmitter data to a cellular router), cellular router (transmits mounting data to a cloud-based server use by the software), and software (cloud-based program that analyzes the mounting- activity in real time and uses algorithms to identify cows in heat, the precise onset of those heats and the best time to breed each cow). Activity alerts are available by text message or online notification on the dashboard. The system may be purchased or leased.

Estimated Cost Cost range: See below

Limitations Limitations Addressed by Product: Lower extremity, Visual

605 Pro-Ject Drive
Elmwood, WI, 54740
Est. CostDependent on whether it is to be purchased or leased (60 - 90 days) and the number of transmitters needed.
Last updated: Apr 07, 2022

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