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Good Gravel Driveway
Vertical cutout of a driveway showing the 4 inches of granite or limestone rock base on top of the 6-inches-down soil and then 2 inches of smaller ‘clean’ stone on top of the base layer.

A Good Gravel Driveway is inexpensive, durable, and easy to maintain if constructed properly using the right kind of rock material. Right construction for a driveway utilized primarily by lighter-weight vehicles involves (1) trenching out the area about 6 inches deep, (2) laying down a 4-inch base of 1½ - to 2-inch granite or limestone rock, (3) then topdressing that base with 2 inches of 1/2- or 3/4-inch clean (i.e., no fines) or "1-inch minus" (i.e., mixture of 1-inch and smaller) rock. The topdress layer will eventually compact into the larger-diameter-rock base layer, the result being a solid surface that's easy to walk on, resists rutting when driven over, and won't damage a snow blower.

Estimated Cost Cost range: See below

Limitations Limitations Addressed by Product: Lower extremity, Strength/endurance

Est. CostVariable
Last updated: Aug 30, 2022

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