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Prosthetic Hand-Tool Modifications
Lying on a plywood sheet are nine shop tools onto which farmer has welded bolt stubs that he can screw into his prosthetic device.

Verndale, MN, farmer Alan Werk has made many Prosthetic Hand-Tool Modifications in order to carry on shop activities. A key one has been to weld bolt studs onto tool handles, which he can then screw into his prosthetic device, allowing him to hold the tools. Among those fitted this way are a hammer, wire cutters, knife, scissors, and several kinds of socket wrenches. Werk uses hose clamps to fasten large nuts onto his drills and torque wrenches, so he can slip his Dorrance hook through the nuts to hold those tools; and he drilled a hole in the end of a sledge hammer handle for Prosthetic Hand-Tool gripping with his standard hook. He also Modifications opens and closes crescent wrenches by sliding them across his knees.

Estimated Cost Cost range: See below

Limitations Limitations Addressed by Product: Upper extremity

SourceAlan Werk
R.R. 3, Box 109
Verndale, MN, 56481
Last updated: Aug 30, 2022

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