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Automated Auger Soil Sampler
Automated Auger Soil Sampler

The ATV-mounted Automated Auger Soil Sampler allows one to take soil samples up to 24 inches deep with up to 20 cores per sample without having to get off the vehicle. The unit can sample under a wide range of soil conditions—from frozen or extremely hard to very wet or sticky. Under average conditions, a full 24-inch sample can be drawn in as little time as 10 seconds.

Archived This product is no longer produced. Information is included for reference and archival purposes.
Estimated Cost Cost range: See below

Limitations Limitations Addressed by Product: Lower extremity

SourceConcord Environmental Equipment
Dennis Wamre
25808 State Highway 10
CR 110 15th St S
Hawley, MN, 56549
Est. Cost$3,995 (Model 2024)
Last updated: Dec 29, 2023

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